Zoom Keyhole

Documentation Status

A simple web application that displays Zoom rooms participants on Miro boards.

Created for PI8 planning in the IP sprint. Updated to a web application in the PI9 IP sprint.


Required environment variables

Zoom Keyhole requires that the following environment variables are set:

  • ZOOM_KEYHOLE_CONFIG_FILE: Location of the YAML configuration file (see below). (default: ./config.yaml)

  • ZOOM_KEYHOLE_MIRO_API_TOKEN: Miro API token to use. A semi-colon separated list can be used to specify more than one token. If multiple tokens are provided, Miro API calls are shared between them.

  • ZOOM_KEYHOLE_ZOOM_API_KEY: Zoom API key. Needed for polling the zoom API for room participants. Used when getting initial room list and periodically for correcting for errors zoom events.

  • ZOOM_KEYHOLE_ZOOM_SECRET: Zoom API secret. Used in combination with the Zoom API key.

  • ZOOM_KEYHOLE_GSHEET_KEY: API Key for google sheets. Used to load google sheets configuration.

  • ZOOM_KEYHOLE_GSHEET_ID: Google sheet ID where the configuration is found.

Configuration file

It also requires a YAML configuration file which describes the location of the miro board being updated, as well as ….

An example file is:

# List of boards to update (NOTE: Replace with actual board ids!)
    - o9J_x......=
    - o9J_x......=
header_particpant_list: Currently in the room
    mode: random
    position: left
    default: "\\U00002795"
    show_default: false
    show_bullet_point: true